Understanding Your Intelligence - How Much Do You Know?

Understanding Your Intelligence: At some point in time in your life you may well have heard someone praising a person for their “high intelligence.” Usually, there then follows the tacit assumption that this person has a “high IQ.”
It may therefore come as quite a surprize to many that IQ is only a part of the overall makeup of intelligence. There is a far bigger picture.
The narrow IQ intelligence viewpoint and limited paradigm has had a number of criticisms: It is prejudiced. It overly-focusses on left-brained, middle-class, academics who would score well in the IQ test.
What about other aspects of intelligence? What about creativity? How about looking at intelligence from the point of view of a well-balanced individual capable of artistic attributes, innovation, great social interactor, communicator…, or just plain day-to-day practical effective life handling…?
-No wonder the IQ test doesn’t necessarily reflect how successful someone is or will be…
So, why does the IQ assessment carry such weight when it comes to intelligence? It’s because of the globalist’s and their agendas: We live in a corporatocracy; a corporate-based dominated world. The IQ assessment for intelligence (such as the American SAT) is heavily used because it assesses how people will fit into the corporate-sponsored education system and eventually, jobs.
-Just because there are those who don’t fit into this, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they are unintelligent or will be unsuccessful.
Those scoring an IQ of over a 100 are considered above average intelligence. However, very high IQ’s such as 150 plus are unreliable. Those claiming to have 175 or over have very unreliable scores indeed due to the nature of the scoring system. Don’t fall for the speculative or even mythical claims with individuals such as doctors or chess grand masters having these unreliable scores!
To truly understand your intelligence – let’s take a look at the bigger picture
A clue to what intelligence really is lies in the components making us human. We exist as mental, physical, emotional and spiritual beings. -So, with respect to this, the 4 different types of intelligences are:
1. Cognitive Intelligence, 2. Physical Intelligence, 3. Emotion-based Intelligence and 4. Soul or Soul-based intelligence.
-Intelligences 1 and 2 cover familiar ground, areas that you may consider what your intelligence is. However, to fully understand your intelligence, consider 3 and 4, these are by far the most interesting.
1. Cognitive Intelligence
This is the standard intelligence model, where the IQ test is derived from. As already stated. It has validity but it’s prejudiced. Put together by middle-class academics with their limiting viewpoint in the confines of academia. Professors may score high, but how well would these people score if they were subjected to an intelligence test devised by African tribesmen, handymen workers or farmers…?
-Perhaps these professors would be branded as idiots for their low scores, you see?!
A good intelligence test needs to have reliability, adaptability, be culturally and class impartial. These are criticisms have been made by the many when it comes to the IQ assessment.
As an attempt to answer to these criticisms, Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner has tried to come up with a solution with his Multiple Intelligences theory. -A step in the right direction, but it has been said that it falls short because it does not fully address the bigger picture.
2. Physical Intelligence
Quite simply, for your intelligence to function and flow well, you have to have a reasonably healthy working physical body. That’s all that will be said on this aspect.
In order to fully address the bigger picture, there are 2 other major aspects making up your intelligence.
3. Emotion-based Intelligence
The way we deal with everyday situations depends a lot on where we are at emotionally.
Regarding your intelligence emotionally:
Given a certain circumstance or situation in life would your affected emotions make you respond well, dealing with things confidently, even rising to the occasion (emotionally intelligent)?
Or would you simply go to pieces in an emotional breakdown greatly lacking in confidence…?
A variation on this is called social intelligence.
In similar ways to the above. What about handling things in challenging social circumstances or situations? Would your interactions or communications serve you well…?
4. Spiritual Quotient – SQ – Soul-Based Intelligence
This aspect addresses who we are as a self-aware, conscious spiritual soul-based being. This therefore has nothing to do with physicality. It is aside from the ego (I, me, mine) and all the identifications related to this: Societal, professional, financial, educational, race… etc., identifications.
The soul-based intelligent person and their awareness radiates joy, enthusiasm, love, kindness, empathy, caring, compassion and generosity as a coming from the heart. Then there’s acts of playfulness and creativity…
Further, the soul-based intelligent person has high integrity, wants to do the right thing, as part of their coming from the heart…
In Reflection
The above 4 aspects help a lot as it sees the bigger picture when it comes to understanding your intelligence. We don’t know everything, but a least these aspects give a far better explanation of what intelligence is, as opposed to the limited cognitive IQ explanation viewpoint.
I like to describe intelligence as an ‘adjective.’
I’ll explain.
A person’s intelligence can be used to describe how they are only in the moment. For example, a person can only be described as “brilliant” when they demonstrate this in the moment. Likewise, a person can only be described as “dumb” when they demonstrate this in the moment.
-In other words, no one can be described as brilliant or dumb as these are only 2 momentary extremities. For most of the time we are in between these 2 extremities.
Your Intelligence – A matter of balance
It could be said that an intelligent person has a good all-round balance across the 4 intelligences: Cognitive, physical, emotional (or social) and spiritual.
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-By Paul A. Phillips


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