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7 False Claims about Cancer by the Medical/Pharmaceutical Establishment
-By Paul A. Philips

1.The idea that cancer is a disease of the modern western world is overplayed

This disease has been known since ancient times. However, it has gone from a rare disease as it was during the turn of the 1900’s to a rising global epidemic in modern times.
The cancer establishment gives the impression that its true causes are unknown and plays down the idea that it is a disease of the modern western world. Nothing could be further from the truth. Well documented evidence has been produced to show that cancer causes have been known for years… see more
Advanced Civilisation
Prehistoric Advanced Civilisation: Is This The Evidence? Paul A. Philips
For many years I have extensively studied different subjects related to my writing. However, very occasionally, someone will totally reject me, not due to differences of opinion, but because they consider me too ridiculous, outlandish, or crazy to be true. In other words, they’re in a state of denial with the usual accompanying behavioural symptoms such as.
1.Telling me ‘this is rubbish’ without ever questioning how I arrived at certain findings or conclusions.
2.Having no or very little knowledge about the subject discussed they remain arrogantly content, thinking that anything outside their bubble of existence is either unimportant or not there.
3.These people have become imprisoned by their own limitations without knowing. -If ever there’s a subject too heavy-going for some it’s the one in this article, the subject of prehistoric advanced civilisations, ET’s… more
Longing for Change-iNewParadigm
The Human Condition and a Longing for Change

-By Paul A. Philips


Human Condition: Imagine sitting at a restaurant table every lunchtime getting served the same soup 7 days a week here on out. 


The only thing stopping you from realizing that it’s the same old soup is that it gets served on a different bowl every day.


A different contrasting colour/design bowl served each day is enough to fool you into thinking that the soup they contain is also different. 


So, let’s say in reluctant acceptance you carry on drinking this same soup day after day only because you think it’s different, even though you’re fed up with it and know deep down that something isn’t right here…


-This is an analogy to what’s happening for the human race today.


Yes, on multiple levels the human race is stuck on the “same old same old” without knowing the reasons why…


-See more

People Power-2-iNewParadigm
People Power Exists! – 5 Acts Showing New World (Dis)Order Defiance

-By Paul A. Philips

As the globalists ramp up their control for total global domination, it has been said that, as a consequence, we are now facing the scripted, climactic, end times scenario: On a knife-edge, we are threatened with world war III which, post-devastation, could ultimately send us back into the dark ages…


Then we have the threat of unjustified extreme anti-life environmental control, total economic and financial collapse, unprecedented totalitarian privacy invasion, the loss of our humanity to transhumanism, the potential of a global health crisis on a scale never seen before if the WHO (World Death Organization) have their way… see more

7 Suppressed Technologies That Should Have Changed the World

-By Paul A. Philips


Suppressed technologies still persist: The world is steeped in poverty with precious little achieved in the way of real humanitarian advancement.

While there are a number of technologies that could have changed the world and helped humanity create a living utopia, the brilliant inventors of these technologies were given a hard time by the ‘big boys’ of the establishment when they attempted to bring their game-changing innovations to the world at large. Some were even murdered for their efforts — all for profit and control.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look at 7 suppressed technologies…  see more

What Is love
What Is Love?

-By Paul A. Philips

To answer the question “what is love?” first, let’s take look at what it isn’t:


Love is NOT:

* Possession, like car in the garage, a wardrobe full of clothes… etc.

* Egoic domination or maintaining a sense of belonging…

* Feelings or emotions; a bunch chemical, physiological responses…


-Because the above things are only reactions to love… see more

From Disconnected To Reconnected–Ways To Take Back Your Freedom!


So that T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) can stay ahead in their New World (Dis)Order game, one essential play on you is to keep you disconnected: Disconnected mentally, physically and spiritually.


-Essentially, disconnecting you from thinking for, acting and being yourself, as you remain disempowered, enfeebled, in a state of dependency and dysfunctional…


Here are just some examples of what this means… see more

River of Love-iNewParadigm
River of Love and the Planned Destruction of Islam and Christianity

-By Paul A. Philips


Throughout the entire universe, there ebbs and flows a metaphorical river. It flows in the direction of unconditional love and light.  Anyone can ‘hook up’ to it and go with the flow. It’s not hard to do since this is your connection to God and who you really are.


However, there are a small number of individuals working together with plans to stop the river flowing in the direction of unconditional love and light. Call it overly ambitious flights of fancy or just plain delusions of grandeur, these individuals have plans to take a very, very small part of this great universe river; the area that flows throughout planet Earth, and make it flow in the opposite direction… see more

Intelligence – Why It Is Not Understood and What Is It Really?

-By Paul A. Philips


Like me, you’ve surely heard it at some time in your life how somebody has been regarded as having high intelligence with comments like: “He / she must have a high IQ…”


However, to describe intelligence merely as IQ (intelligence quotient) is like telling a troglodyte i.e. someone who’s never seen a house before that a house is a kitchen! Granted, a kitchen is of course included in the makeup of a house, but as IQ is to intelligence it is only part of the whole picture…

-See more

Fake Meat-iNewParadigm
Caveat Emptor – Buyer Beware – The Alarming Health Dangers of Consuming Fake meat!

-By Paul A. Philips

Recently, we’ve seen the unelected globalists pushing for lab-grown plant-based fake meat. They want to foist this alternative on us while opposing our eating of farm-based real meat produce.


Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates compete with each other as both have made sizable investments in related animal-cell, lab-grown fake meat projects… The Bezos Earth Fund claims that there is a need to set up centres for “sustainable protein.” 


What does that exactly mean?? It’s funny, but every time I hear the word “sustainable” from these globalists I feel immediate mistrust. Some might say, whatever Bill Gates advises, do the opposite…! See more 

Cholesterol Scam-iNewParadigm
The Great Cholesterol Scam – 7 Myths 

-By Paul A. Philips


Like cancer, we can now see the wilful ignorance demonstrated by cardiac medicine in not dealing with the root cause of heart disease, which is diet.

Because the focus is on treating the symptoms rather than the cause there have been differences of opinion on how to deal with heart disease and what can be done to stop the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.


I shall look at the cholesterol theories. Then I will expose some of the massive deceptions behind the mobilisation of the cholesterol lowering drugs statins… see more