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From Disconnected To Reconnected–Ways To Take Back Your Freedom!


So that T.H.E.Y (The Hierarchy Enslaving You) can stay ahead in their New World (Dis)Order game, one essential play on you is to keep you disconnected: Disconnected mentally, physically and spiritually.


-Essentially, disconnecting you from thinking for, acting and being yourself, as you remain disempowered, enfeebled, in a state of dependency and dysfunctional…


Here are just some examples of what this means 


Disconnected from your political sovereignty – T.H.E.Y want you to blindly, unquestioningly allow decision making, political responsibility, to an illusory government… see more

Free Energy Technology
Government Secret UAP Program –They’re Using UFO Free Energy Technology!

Because of the current energy crisis, we know that a vast number of citizens struggle to make ends meet with forever increasing energy bills. This energy crisis has ultimately been caused by power-hungry politicians tied into Big Oil, greed-based energy corporations making record profits, and special interest groups.


-Further, the related self-serving governments involved don’t want you to know about certain highly effective alternative energy technologies. Alternative energy technologies don’t fit into the politically driven greed-based system because there are no gains to be made, and if allowed, would indeed severely undercut the currently thriving energy businesses…-more

Great-Pyramid of Giza - iNewParadigm
Was the Great Pyramid of Giza a Power Plant?

-By Paul A. Philips


In an earlier article I put forward a number of questions challenging what I consider to be the highly flawed official account that the Great Pyramid of Giza was a burial ground for Khufu (aka Cheops) a 4th dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh 2600 BC


Remember, this claim is an unproven hypothesis).


Besides my earlier article, this current piece further challenges the official account by asking:


Was the Great Pyramid of Giza a power plant, as put forward by a number of researchers? -See more

Exiting the Reincarnation Cycle – The Only Real Way to Escape The Matrix
-By Paul A Philips

In recent times there has been growing interest in out-of-the-body experiences (OBE’s) and the related altered states of consciousness. There have been many fascinating accounts from individuals telling us about their OBE experiences.


OBE’s can be achieved in a number of ways such as that through near-death  experiences, astral projection, quantum travel, deep meditation, yoga, conscious deep breath work, remote viewing, . lucid dreaming, using psychoactive drugs and plant-based extractions etc.


This article focuses on certain practitioners advocating guidance using a particular methodology to achieve the OBE. It has been said that this methodology can be used to explore the multidimensional layers while consciously traveling through the cosmos and higher realms of existence.

Further, it can also be used as a means of preparing for death… see more
Genetic Harvesting – The Globalists Push for Collecting Your DNA to Target and Control Your Behaviour


An unsuspecting alliance between the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) and Royal Mail was formed to set up a rather dubious charity that offers £10 to anyone who submits their DNA to them. Some 20 million-plus UK citizens have been “randomly contacted” and asked to submit their DNA.


The so-called charity ‘Our Future Health’ is pitching the offer under the auspices of studying your DNA for the purpose of ‘people’s future health benefits…’ For more on this go Here.


Does this government-backed and funded human DNA surveying operation smack of hidden ulterior motive to you? –See more

Government victimization
5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Government Victimization

-By Paul A. Philips


As another US general election (false dichotomy ritual recurring every 4-years) is over it ought to be clear by now that the only vote you could have given was a non-partisan vote of ‘no confidence.’ -No vote at all: Voting for a major politician is a vote for your own ball and chain existence.  


Governments don’t govern, they are merely vehicles taking top-down waves of order/ instruction from their lords and masters, the covertly controlling/operating deep state or shadow government.


That’s why, be it domestic or foreign, every major direction taken follows the same narrative regardless of country or political orientation. Understanding the narrative predicts the directions to what would otherwise be inexplicable random events… see more

Fake Meat-iNewParadigm
Caveat Emptor – The Alarming Health Dangers of Consuming Fake meat!


Recently, we’ve seen the unelected globalists pushing for lab-grown plant-based fake meat. They want to foist this alternative on us while opposing our eating of farm-based real meat produce. Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates compete with each other as both have made sizable investments in related animal-cell, lab-grown fake meat projects…


The Bezos Earth Fund claims that there is a need to set up centres for “sustainable protein.”


What does that exactly mean?? It’s funny, but every time I hear the word “sustainable” from these globalists I feel immediate mistrust. For example, some might say, whatever Bill Gates advises, do the opposite…! –See more 

Beat Cancer
Cancer and Cancer Cures, What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You?


Read this, even if you haven’t got cancer and not currently at risk. Keep it for future reference for yourself or someone else. It might just turn out to be a life-saver. It may be interpreted as a death sentence when the doctor solemnly pronounces judgement, telling a patient that they have cancer. Indeed, this Earth-shattering news will leave no room for misinterpretation when the doctor tells the patient just how long he/she has got left to live.


Having said all that, death doesn’t have to be the outcome: Here’s a whole load of things what your doctor won’t tell you because he/she may not even know about the following vital life-saving information….see more

Who or What is God? –12 Questions to Challenge the Existence of

Be it through fear of offending, causing confrontation, a heated debate, or getting ostracized for indifference… the subject of God is a conversation that many people are unwilling to have.


Then there’s those who are afraid to make ongoing enquiries into their religion and the nature of God, fearing that any preconceived ideas and all their related hopes could turn out to be shattered illusions.


This inauthenticity, unwillingness to no longer question the nature of who or what is God could put oneself in a ‘no spiritual growth’ situation, or even a state of cognitive dissonance.


Every subject is infinite:  Any genuine truth-seeker, regardless of subject, must realize that all preconceived ideas should be subject to ongoing enquiry.


-In reflection of the this here are 12 questions to challenge the existence of God… see more

New Self-Replicating Nanotech Vaccines – 20 Questions We All Should Be Asking


As explained by Dr. Robert Malone in the video, not so long ago, 30,000 Japanese citizens took to the streets in Tokyo to protest the planned rollout of a new self-replicating nanotech Covid-19 so-called vaccine. Prominent related healthcare professionals in Japan issued warnings describing this new replicon “vaccine” as the ‘third atomic bomb.’


In spite of the mass protests the vaccine Industrial Complex perpetrators are set to defy these protesters: The Japanese MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare) gave approval to the proposed ARCT-154 vaccine rollout… see more

John Lennon - Global Conspiracy?
10 Celebrities Killed for Exposing the Global Conspiracy?

-By Paul A. Philips


The global conspiracy: It has been alleged that a number of celebrities have been killed for speaking out against the world’s ruling globalists. 

Known as the illuminati the world’s ruling globalists meet in secret societies where they orchestrate their world control over the banks, major corporations, the politicians, the war machine… etc for global domination and the said New World Order one world government.


They control the entertainment industry and the price for fame not only demands certain ritual blood sacrifices to prove worthiness, but also remain silent on the organization’s existence.


Some celebrities over the years however, had not remained silent and it has been said that they were killed by the globalists agents for exposing the global conspiracy.


-So here are 10 celebrities said to have been killed by the globalists for exposing the global conspiracy… see more

5 Abuses of Science
5 Abuses of Science for Power, Profit and Political Gains


In relation to abuses of science, tailor-made corporate-sponsored pseudoscience has been used as a cover arm for profits that tie in with advancements of dictated political agendas. Like the political agendas the shady science can be decided before any real scientific research begins.


Remember, however, no scientist, scientific, academic or related corporate institution or politician regardless of monied interests has a monopoly on truth. With this approach, how could integrity be maintained, using science for “ownership” by its scientific overlords, abusing their powers along the way?


-In light of this, not an exhaustive list, but here are 5 abuses of science used for power, profit and political gains… see more