The Great Humanitarian Awakening And World Peace

-By Paul A. Philips

Awakening: There are number of significant tell-tale signs to indicate the world or universe we live in is an illusion. A small group of individuals in high places realize this, having some understanding of how the illusion works.
With a number of resources, through secret societies and esoteric occult practices they control and manipulate the human population.
However, slowly but surely, there is a great humanitarian awakening going on: Those already awake realize that the world is an illusion and have some understanding over how they and most of the human race are being manipulated. -This understanding is the key to our transformation and creating world peace.
Before going on about that desperately needed transformation and how to create world peace, first let me highlight those tell-tale signs indicating the world we live in is an illusion.
1. Our physical material reality is mostly space
All physical matter is made up of molecules which consist of atoms. Every atom consists of 3 fundamental particles: protons and neutrons at the nucleus, while electrons orbit the nucleus. To get some idea of how much space there is between these particles, not exactly as scaled, but if the proton could be made soccer ball sized on the soccer field then the orbiting electron would be pea-sized and somewhere in the stadium… Like I said the rest is space!
2. The microscope paradox
Another paradox occurs when we’re able to look at objects using very high magnifications with, for example, a transmission electron microscope. At a certain extremely high magnification solid objects disappear! That’s because the particles making up matter are only relative cloud-like charges. So the closer we look at objects there’s nothing to be seen but when we step back there’s all this solidity.
-What a paradox!
3. Our limited perception
All things are energy. Everything has a vibratory frequency. Because of our limited 5-sense perception we only detect a small range of the infinite vibratory frequency spectrum. Hence there is a big gap in our information processing as to what’s going on. Amongst many other things we don’t perceive x-rays, gamma rays, radio waves and signals picked up by the TV…
Then we have a number of predispositions as to how we should perceive with our limited senses: conceptual filters, programmed ideas, thought patterns produced by control and manipulation, dogmatic views, anticipations and expectations…
In effect we truly are virtually blind to the world, living in an illusion. It looks like the ancient philosophers were right. We have been deceived by our senses.
Enter the world of quantum mechanics, the great humanitarian awakening and world peace
Given that the particles making up matter are relative cloud-like charges (spinning/vibrating energy vortices) then that means there is no material physical reality: Nothing is real or as it seems according to the baffling enigmatic world of quantum mechanics.
Quantum mechanics shows that these particles, consisting of sub-atomic particles, can spontaneously and unpredictably appear out of nowhere then disappear and reappear somewhere else. The unpredictable nature of quantum physics and its implications has sparked heated debate as to what exactly goes on here…
As the great humanitarian awakening continues we are becoming more and more aware that we are connected to all this. Consciousness is the key. Where we are consciously at with our thoughts, feeling and emotions… affects the quantum world and in turn the physical manifestations about us.
The Awakening In Retrospect
Given this, then instead of trying to produce world changes for peace by rioting on the streets, wrecking havoc on property… i.e. fighting fire with fire in the name of freedom, why not turn our attention to within.
Observe our own selves and produce the necessary changes in consciousness to manifest world peace.
When this occurs en masse it will indeed have the intended synergistic effect on the world about us.
-Just you wait and see!
-It’s up to all of us to manifest these changes.

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