Humanitarian Transformation Reversing the Inversion

Humanitarian transformation-iNewParadigm

humanitarian transformation : Increasingly people are no longer buying into the mind control programmes enslaving humanity since time immemorial. People are slowly but surely taking back their power realizing the ‘big lie’ that they’re powerless and need to be dependent on controlling authorities while in response disconnecting from those related implanted beliefs…


“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality, governments destroy freedom. “


-Michael Ellner

Consistent with Michael Ellner’s great quote humanitarian transformation does indeed depend on ’reversing the inversion’ which in effect means turning things the right way up from the point of view of:


-When doctors change from being a party to Big Pharma’s profit machine destroying health to promoting it by having a genuine welfare concern for patients regardless of money…


-When lawyers no longer destroy justice through making laws favouring the rich but instead act in the people’s best interest…


-When inherently corrupt psychiatrists with their unscientific made-up mental disorders stop pushing expensive, unnecessary, toxic drugs with harmful side-effects…


-Instead of looking through the limited lens of biased corporate sponsorship and the narrow paradigms of academia scientists pursue science more openly going beyond the boundaries of materialism and into the realms of consciousness and spirituality… Embracing science and spirituality as one of the same…


-Instead of being under the thumb of the corporations and politicians the media becomes more open, has the courage and conviction to follow real journalism having honest unbiased reporting…


-Spirituality is free from the clutches of religion’s deceptive controlling matrix…


-Government goes from serving their lords and masters the world ruling elite’s corporatocracy to having we-the-people’s best interest at heart instead…

Etc… etc…


-Of course, this involves monumental tasking to make the necessary changes. However, the monumental achievement of forming any high and mighty foundation starts builds up on and ends through the results of brick by brick additions.


Absolute totalitarian control in the New World Order can be achieved this way but likewise so could the opposite. If people oppose the NWO agenda and counter it with the necessary brick by brick humanitarian changes then transformation will result.



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Transformation, reversing the inversion, also has a major trump card up its sleeve to play and help make these desperately needed changes happen. That is the unstoppable mass awakening through a shift in consciousness throughout the world.


We-the-people are more than just 5-sense meat-and-wire bodies in a 3-D world. We are indeed multidimensional conscious beings and with intention capable of manifesting a new paradigm different to the planned dystopia by the ruling elite and their associates through tapping into those higher dimensional realities…


-Listen to your heart, follow your instincts!

In love, peace and light


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