It has been said, and quite rightly, that exercise is one of the key factors when it comes to disease prevention and anti-aging, since it has a multitude of amazing benefits. Unfortunately, many people would rather stay in their habits of not doing much exercise and get sicker or even die.
How much exercise?
A typical recommendation is to do at least half an hour of exercise a day. I like to start the morning off by taking a short run so that I end up panting; taking in some fresh air and getting rid of the stale. Couple this with some good nutrition you’ll then feel a lot more alert and charged up for the rest of the day. You may be fully aware that physical activity burns off excess calories and improves heart and blood circulation, but what is not so well known is that there are many other hidden benefits.
Doctor Lorraine Day reported a study on women and how 4 hours of activity per week spread out evenly in time distribution was able to reduce breast cancer by a whopping great 66%. This amazing revelation was reported in the media in a low-key publication and was even ignored by many sources. The only real interest shown in the media was that of Nike training shoes! Once again, greed overshadows benevolence: After all, the pharmaceutical companies don’t raise profit shares by touting good old organic exercise…